Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shri Mahakala Deva

Shri Mahakala Deva

The highest sadhaka who recites a mantra whilst holding the rosary of human skullbone holds in his hand the eight siddhis, and is like the imperishable Shambhu. As the Ganges is situated at the top of one's head, what need is there to bathe in the (external) Ganges? Whosoever is devoted to the great rosary of human skullbone gains the merit of bathing in all sacred waters such as Varanasi, Kamarupa, Haridvara, Prayaga, River Gandaki, Vadarika and the Ganges Delta - Matrikabhedatantra IV, 27-29

The male spouse of Mahakali is the outwardly frightening Mahakala (Great Time), whose meditation image (dhyana), mantra, yantra and meditation image is given in the Shaktisamgama Tantra.

According to this work, the mantra of Mahakala is Hum Hum Mahakala praside praside Hrim Hrim Svaha. The seer of the mantra is Kalika, it is pronounced in the Virat meter, the bija of the mantra is Hum, the shakti is Hrim and the linchpin is Svaha.

Mahakala has four arms and three eyes, and is of the brilliance of 10,000,000 black fires of dissolution, dwells in the midst of eight cremation grounds, is adorned with eight skulls, seated on five corpses, holding a trident, a damaru, a sword and a kharpa in his hands.

With a beautiful body adorned with ashes from the cremation ground, on various corpses he dallies with Kalika, fondling her and making love with her and fiercely kissing her, surrounded by numbers of loudly shrieking vultures and jackals, adorned with a heap of braided hair, in a deserted place.

Kalika is of the form of the void, ornamented with skulls, with a sweet and charming face, in the midst of that five-fold love-yantra. Her yoni is the wheel of time (kalachakra), the tantra states.

Then follow various meditations that his devotees can perform.

"Meditate on Ganapati in the Muladhara, in the linga on Ganapati's beloved one, in the navel Vatuka Natha, in the heart on Vatuka Natha's beloved one, in the throat Oddiyana Pitha, in the brow the auspicious blazing one, in the forehead Karavira, and in the lock of hair Kshetrapala."

[Kshetrapala is lord or protector of the place. According to the Tantraraja Tantra, Shiva bestowed a boon on him which made him unconquerable in the three worlds. The only way the gods could subdue him was by 64 of them sitting on him at once.]

"Meditate on Devi Kalika in the trikona, in the six petals the six limbs, in the navel the Shaktis of the directions, in the heart the twelve suns, in the throat the sixteen kalas of the moon, in the two-petalled lotus Kala and Kali together.

"On the head Kalika, the mother holding dominion over the void; in the forehead the Khecari; on the brow the Dikcari; in the heart the Gocari; in the navel the Bhucari; in the linga the Khaga; and in the Muladhara Vicitra "

[These are various classes of Shakti, some of which help the sadhaka towards his goal and some of which throw up obstacles.]

"In the forehead the sun, in the right eye the lord of time, in the left eye the lord of fire, in the throat Kalika, in the heart the demon-born, in the navel the demon Siddhas.

"Meditate in the head on Brahmi with Manthana-Bhairava; in the forehead Maheshvari with Satcakra-Bhairava; in the throat Kaumari with Phatkara Bhairava; in the heart Vaishnavi with Vibhaksha Bhairava; in the navel Varahi with Viresha Bhairava; in the genitals Indrani with Shrimanteshvara Bhairava; in the Muladhara Camunda with Hamsa Garbha Bhairava; in all the limbs Mahalakshmi with Candikeshvara Bhairava."

[These are the eight Siddha Devis, together with the eight Bhairavas, or Terrible Ones.]

Hymn to Mahakala Shani Mrityunjaya

There is a remarkable hymn attributed to the Martandabhairava Tantra which identifies Mahakala with Shani, or the planet Saturn, as well as with Mrityunjaya, or Shiva as conqueror of death. According to various sources, in the past there were five schools of tantra: the Shakta, which worshipped Devi; the Shaiva, which worshipped Shiva; the Ganapatya, which worshipped the elephant-god Ganesh; the Vaishnava, which worshipped Vishnu in his various forms; and the Saura. While the Saura were nominally worshippers of the Sun, in practice, they worshipped the son of the Sun, Shani. Here we translate the hymn to Mahakala Shani Mrityunjaya into English:

Shambhu Mahakala Shani, his body of sapphire hue, beautiful, celestial, resembling the cremation fire, holding axe, trident, arrow and a bow, enemy of the Puras and the conqueror of all other demons, sitting on the Meru mountain peak, in a state of samarasa, was bowed to by Gauri, and questioned.

Parvati said: Holy god of all gods, cause of devotion and grace, tell me what lengthens life, you have not talked of this before. Tell me about your mighty form which promotes friendship in the worlds. Tell me about your special Mahakala form. Relate the hymn of praise to Shani Mrityunjaya, who gives freedom from time, bestows immortality, destroys untimely disease and give the Shani mantra particular to this hymn!

Ishvara said: Gauri, I always love you because you love the universe! This is the highest secret of all secrets, heavenly, the cause of creation in the universe. I am going to tell you the hymn of Shani Mrityunjaya. It gives good luck, kills all enemies, cures all disease, saves from accidental death, and promotes good health and longevity.

Gauri, if you love me, hide this carefully! Maheshvari, listen to that which is hidden in all tantras!

Pippalada is the seer (rishi) of this mantra-song of Shri Mahakala Shani Mrityunjaya. Anustubh is the metre. Mahakala Shani is the god. Sham is the seed, ayasi is the Shakti, kalapurusa is the kilaka. When reciting it, its result is freedom from untimely death.

Do rishi nyasa, hand nyasa and body nyasa. Place Maha Ugra on the head, Yaivasvata on the mouth, Shani on the mouth, and Mahagraha on the arms. Place Mahakala in the heart, Krisnatanu in the genitals, Tuducara on the knees, and Shanaiscara on the feet.

After doing nyasa according to rule, the body becomes like Shani, the lord of time. Now I will tell you of the meditation nyasa for the body, which a person should do after meditating.

Put the kalpa and its divisions in the hands and limbs. [These are the major divisions of time according to the Hindu viewpoint]

Say: "Hail to you Mrityunjaya! You are Mahakala's real form and the form of all manvantaras!" Place Kalatma on the body.

Say: "Hail Mahakala!" and meditate on all the limbs.

Meditate on the source of years, saying "Hail to you, conqueror of time."

Say: "Hail to you, served by eternity!" on the eyes and brow.

Say: "Hail to you Saura," on the cheeks.

Say: "Hail to you, black looking one!" on the hair.

Say: "Hail to you, lucky Maha Ugra," on the arms.

[Now follow the 27 naksatras or lunar constellations]

Say: "Hail to you, one hard to see," putting Asvina on the mouth.

Say: "Hail to you, blue rayed one," putting Kartika on the throat.

Say: "Hail to you, Maharudra," putting Margasiras on the arms.

Say: "Hail to you, celestial, strong and unconquerable one," putting Pausya on the heart.

Say: "Hail to you, revealer of time," putting Magha on the belly.

Say: "Hail to you, slow mover," putting Phalguna on the penis.

Say: "Hail to you, source of all," putting Caitra on the thighs.

Say: "Hail to you, dissolver of the world," putting Vaisakha on the knees.

Say: "Hail to you, Bhairava," putting Jyesta on the legs.

Say: "Hail to you, night," putting Asadh on the feet.

Say: "Hail to you, dark fortnight," from the feet to the head.

Say: "Hail to you, bright fortnight," from the top of the head to the feet.

Say: "Hail to you, Saturn, Mula, soles of feet.

Say: "Hail to you, Conquerer of all, Toya all the toes.

Say: "Hail to you, Scorching star, Visva, ankles.

Say: "Hail to you, Star of learning, Visnabha, legs.

Say: "Hail to you, Black rayed one, Dhanista, knees.

Say: "Hail to you, Support of time, Varuna, thighs.

Say: "Hail to you, Having dishevelled and matted locks, Purvabhadra, penis.

Say: "Hail to you, Formidable one, Uttarabhadra, back.

Say: "Hail to you, Slow mover, Revati, navel.

Say: "Hail to you, Dark planet, Hasta, belly.

Say: "Hail to you, Yama, Bhogisraja, breasts.

Say: "Hail to you, Liking sesame, Krittika, heart.

Say: "Hail to you, Axe bearer, Rohini, right hand.

[Now follow the 12 Suns]

Say: "Hail to you, Carrying trident happily, Mrga, left hand.

Say: "Hail to you, Supporting life, Raudra, upper right hand.

Say: "Hail to you, Holding bow, Punarvasu, upper left hand.

Say: "Hail to you, Destroyer, Tisya, right arm.

Say: "Hail to you, Terrifying archer, Sarpa, left arm.

Say: "Hail to you, Smeared in ash, Magha, throat.

Say: "Hail to you, Cruel planet, Bhaga, mouth.

Say: "Hail to you, Yogi, Yama, right nostril.

Say: "Hail to you, Support, Hasta, left nostril.

Say: "Hail to you, Eating little, Tvastra, right ear.

Say: "Hail to you, Made of the absolute, Svati, left ear.

Say: "Hail to you, Knower of things, Visakha, right eye.

[Now different yogas of Hindu astrology follow.]

Say: "Hail to you, Kala, Viskambha, joints of timple.

Say: "Hail to you, Great slow one, Pritiyoga, brow joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Awesome one, Ayusmanyoga, eye joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Giving slow results, Saubhagya, nose joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Lucky being, Éobhana, ear joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Black one, Hanu (?), jaw joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Skeleton, Sukarmana, neck.

Say: "Hail to you, Shadowy son, Dhriti, right shoulder joint.

Say: "Hail to you, Ugra, Shula, shoulder joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Eternally gladdening, Karpura, chest.

Say: "Hail to you, Knowing time, Vrddhi, middle of chest.

Say: "Hail to you, Krishna, Dhruva, wrist joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Skinny one, Vyaghata, back of shoulder.

Say: "Hail to you, Destroying things, Harsana, shoulder joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Blissful, Vajra, elbows.

Say: "Hail to you, Fire of time, Siddhi, centre of chest (?).

Say: "Hail to you, Self of time, Variyasa, right side joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Hail and hail to you, Parigha, left side joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Self evident time, Shiva, right thigh joints.

Say: "Hail to you, One of great mass, Siddhi, right knee joint.

Say: "Hail to you, Terrifying, Sadhya, right ankle joint.

Say: "Hail to you, Raudra, Shubha, right toe joints.

Say: "Hail to you, Knower of time, Shukla, left thigh joint.

Say: "Hail to you, True yogi, Brahmayoga, left knee joint.

Say: "Hail to you, Knower of yoga, Aindra, left ankle joint.

Say: "Hail to you, Gracious one, Vaidhrita, left toe joints.

[Now the seven dhatus or components of the human body according to Ayurveda, follow.]

Say: "Hail to you, Sacrificer, Vavakarana, skin.

Say: "Hail to you, Destroyer, Balava, blood.

Say: "Hail to you, All consumer, Kaulava, bone.

Say: "Hail to you, Lover of flesh, Taitila, flesh.

Say: "Hail to you, All-chewer, Gara, fat.

Say: "Hail to you, Killer of all, Vanija, marrow.

Say: "Hail to you, Wrathful terrible fire, Visti, semen.

Hail to the lord of space, the essence of space, invoked by many, the 100-fold one, the piercer of the Moon!

Hail to the faithful one, the true one, the eternally true one, hail to you lord of siddhas! Hail to you lord of yoga, naked flame, mover, origin of Varuna and time!

Hail to you rising in the ascendant, tall one, guide, moving in direct motion!

Hail to you, crooked one, very cruel one, moving in retrograde motion!

Hail to you in the constellations, to you who moves in the constellations, you who causes the constellations to tremble, you the Natha of constellations, you the giver of results in constellations. Hail to you!

Hail to you, time, supporter of Yama, Agni, Moon and Sun!

Hail to you, planet of Capricorn and Aquarius, exalted in Libra!

[Now the days of the week follow.]

Say: "Hail to you, Black looks, Sunday, forehead.

Say: "Hail to you, Lover of death, Monday, mouth.

Say: "Hail to you, Absolute one, Tuesday, belly.

Say: "Hail to you, Embodied self, Wednesday, penis.

Say: "Hail to you, True form of mantra, Thursday, testicles.

Say: "Hail to you, Cause of results, Friday, anus.

Say: "Hail to you, Skeleton, Saturday, feet.

[Now various divisions of time according to Hindu astrology, follow.]

Say: "Hail to you, Subtle one, ghatikas, in hairs.

Say: "Hail to you, Form of time, killer of all evil, destroyer of the demon Tripura, origin of Shambhu!

Say: "Hail to you, Body of time, origin of time

Say: "Hail to you, varied parts of time, bliss of time.

Say: "Hail to you, Immeasurable measurer

Say: "Hail to you, god of time, time itself, essence of time.

Form of time, Bhairava, both nimesa and mahakalpa. I bow to you Mrtyunjaya Mahakala Shani!

Cause of all, alleviator of all fear, peril and the wicked, I bow to you...

Slayer of all, origin of all planets, cause of all results, I bow to you...

Giver of peace and prosperity to all living beings, I bow to you...

Cause of all happiness and misery, true form of all that exists, I bow to you...

Dispeller of untimely and accidental death, I bow to you...

Form of time, great planet, destroyer of samsara, I bow to you...

One of baleful glance, coarse haired one, terrifying one, long eyed one, I bow to you...

Dispeller of all planets, essence of the planets themselves, I bow to you...

Because you are the essence of time, I bow before you Shani! The whole world and time itself dissolves in you, the god of time! You are the body of time, the self, Shambhu, the Kalatma, the planetary devata!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Kamdhenu Gaushala was personally begun by His Divine Grace Anant Shri Vibhushit Shri Maharaj Ji in 1997 with ten milking Cows, but nowadays it has grown more than 250 Cows, Bulls and Calves. Their number is growing every year. Small baby calves will soon grow into bulls and mothers, and their needs will also increase. As they grow and produce more milk for the benefit of human consumers, it is important to provide them more nourishment and care. Secondly, this project aims to educate more devotees and the people in general on the importance of Go-Seva. Our "mothers" have been taking care of us for so many years; this is now the right time to return that kindness.

Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Maharaj Ji Serving Cows

The Kamdhenu Goshala spends Rs. 18.00 Lakhs per year for maintaining the Cows. It takes up to Rs. 1,100/- per month, per Cow. Sponsor Krishna's cows in Dhumabhatta,Near patnagarh,Dist-Balangir,Odissa,India Every month you can donate some little amount of money which is affordable by you and make Go-Seva a life time service to Krishna Balaram’s Cows.

Feed 4 Cows for one day

Rs. 100

Feed 10 Cows for one day

Rs. 250

Feed 20 Cows for one day

Rs. 500

Feed and maintain a Cow for one month

Rs. 1,100

Feed and maintain 3 Cows for one month

Rs. 3,300

Feed and maintain 5 Cows for one month

Rs. 5,500

Maintain Goshala for one day

Rs. 7,500

Sponsor a feast for Cows

Rs. 8,000

Feed a Cow or Bull for one full year

Rs. 10,000

Total Medical Expenses (For One Month)

Rs. 10,000

(Donating a Cow with her calf)
Four Types according
to different breeds

Rs. 10,000

Rs. 15,000

Rs. 20,000

Rs. 25,000

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Tantrik Gayatri

The Tantrik Gayatri

The soul is perfect; what can you improve? You have everything; what is there to gratify? Aum will seek out the man of contemplation; Reveal to him the wonder of great secrets - The Book of Ashes, Dadaji

The vedika form of the famous Gayatri mantra is: Om bhur-bhuvah-svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayat. This can be translated: Om. Let us contemplate the spirit of the divine of the earth, the atmosphere and heaven. May that direct our minds. Savitri is the Sun and this mantra is pronounced at the three junctions or twilights of the day. Only the twice-born Brahmins are supposed to utter it.

The tantrik compilation Prapanchasaratantra, outlines pujas and meditations on Gayatri in chapter 20. Here is described how the mantra Om hums in the base or Muladhara chakra, and moves through seven stages to the chakra above the head. (Sahasrara).

According to Sir John Woodroffe, in his introduction to the Sanskrit edition, Mahavishnu describes Om as consisting of the following. Bhuh is existence, Bhuva is the elements, Svah is the atma of everything, Maha is greatness and light, Tat is Brahman (the absolute), Tapah is all knowledge, Satyam is supremacy and internal wisdom. This tantra connects the three letters of Om (A+U+M) to the seven worlds. (See also Jnanasankalini Tantra).

Tat, says Woodroffe, refers to the first cause of all substance, as fire in the circle of the sun and is supreme Brahman. Savituh is the source of all living beings. Varenyam is the excellent one who receives adoration. Bharga destroys sin, Devasya means it is full of light, while Dhimahi refers to knowledge being golden and always within the sun. Dhiyo means Buddhi, Yo stands for energy (tejas). The mantra is divided into three sections of eight letters and four sections of six letters. A dhyana (meditation) in the same chapter describes Gayatri as having four faces, which are white, yellow, red and black.

Yet the tantrik tradition has different views of the Gayatri. For example, in the Matrikabhedatantra, there is a couplet which says a person who knows the Brahman (the absolute), is a brahmin.

In the tantrik tradition, each aspect of devata has her or his own form of the Gayatri and it is often pronounced at the four junctions of the day, including midnight.

For example, Tripurasundari Gayatri runs: Tripurasundari vidmahe, kameshvari dhimahi, tanno klinne pracodayat. This means: Let us contemplate Tripurasundari, let us think of Kameshvari, may that wetness direct.

The Gandharva Tantra uses the 24 different syllables of this mantra in Sanskrit as a visualisation, starting from the base of the spine and moving to the top of the head.

The other tantrik Gayatri is a mantra known as Ajapa. This is recited by every living being unconsciously 21,600 times a day as she or he breathes. Half are sun breaths and half are moon breaths. It consists of the letters Ha and Sa.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Greenhouse Warming 101

Greenhouse Warming 101

For starters: What are greenhouse gases?

Atmospheric trace gases that keep the Earth’s surface warm are known as greenhouse gases. About three-quarters of the natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. The next most significant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Methane, nitrous oxide, ozone in the lower atmosphere, and CFCs are also greenhouse gases.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), along with other chlorine- and bromine-containing compounds, have been extremely useful man-made substances in the fields of safety, refrigeration units, aerosol propellants, electronic cleaning solvents, and blowing agents. These chemicals have been used in virtually all sectors of society including commercial, industrial and household applications since the 1930s and it was not known that these chemicals are destructive to our Earth's ozone until 1973.

How does the greenhouse effect work?

The greenhouse effect is a natural process: sunlight passes through the atmosphere, warming the Earth’s surface. Next, the land and oceans release energy in the form heat, or infrared radiation, into the atmosphere and maintains a balance with the incoming energy. Carbon dioxide, water vapor and a few other naturally occurring gases can absorb a fraction of this radiation, allowing it to warm the lower atmosphere.

This process of heat absorption, which maintains the surface temperature enough so we can survive, is what is known as the greenhouse effect. Now if the natural barrier of greenhouse gases were to just disappear, the Earth's average surface temperature would be far too cold for much of life including us.

What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?

We humans have been raising the concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of agriculture around 200 years ago. Since that time, many other greenhouse gases have increased on our account.

Increased levels of greenhouse gases will continue a pattern of increasing the trappings of infrared radiation. This means that the atmosphere is likely to warm, changing climate and weather patterns.

This enhanced greenhouse effect is what we are focusing on when we refer to greenhouse warming and the warming of the planet by the additional effects of human activity which change the Earth's atmospheric composition.

What’s the difference between the enhanced greenhouse effect and ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion is a completely different problem than greenhouse warming. Again though, we humans are the cause for this issue.

Ozone depletion has been happening since the late 1970s. It is caused by CFCs, industrially produced chemicals used in the past for refrigeration, plastic making and fire fighting. Once in the atmosphere, these chemicals destroy ozone in the stratosphere, 12 to 18 miles (20-30 km) above the ground. This is the ozone layer, which stops much of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching us.

Damage to the ozone layer means that over much of the planet, more ultraviolet radiation reaches the ground than in the past.

Both the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion are due to chemicals released into the air by peoples’ activities. Another similarity is that CFCs are ozone destroyers and greenhouse gases.

In a curious turn of events, the warming effect of CFCs is offset by the fact that these chemicals destroy ozone, also a greenhouse gas, in the lower stratosphere.

Is greenhouse warming just a theory?

Yes and no! The effect of greenhouse gases on climate is based on observations and scientific interpretations, as is the evidence that human activities have increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The way in which these increases will affect our future climate is, and can only be, the result of theoretical calculations.

However, there is unequivocal evidence that greenhouse gases are increasing in the atmosphere. Since the Industrial Revolution the level of carbon dioxide alone has risen from approximately 280 PPM (parts per million) to approximately 360 PPM. This will have an effect on the Earth's climate but to what degree is unknown.

Isn’t greenhouse warming just part of a natural cycle?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon, but the extra gases produced by human activity are making it stronger.

We are now adding to these gases faster than oceans and plants can absorb them — the greenhouse effect is being ‘enhanced’ by humans. There is strong evidence that recent changes are unprecedented and not due to natural causes.

When considering how climate will be affected, we need to be mindful that greenhouse warming due to the enhanced greenhouse effect will be in addition to the natural fluctuations of climate.

Back to greenhouse gases

Climactic cycles are natural processes that effect Earth's climate and some of these are well known (eg. the 4-7 year El Nino Southern Oscillation, the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, and Milankovitch cycles). The Milankovitch cycles are defined by wobbles in the Earth’s orbit every 23,000 years (called 'precession'), the Earth’s change in axial tilt every 41,000 years( called 'obliquity') and the Earth’s change in orbital shape around the Sun every 100,000 years or so (called 'eccentricity'). The 100,000 year cycle of Earth's changing orbital shape account for the past six Ice Ages, however all the fluctuation of solar radiation since then has only been a minor contributor in worldwide cooling over the Ice Ages. All this means that changes in other factors amplify the effect of orbital variations. The other factors amplifying Earth's natural processes are changes in greenhouse gases and the expansion and contraction of the polar ice sheets. Observing beyond glacial cycles, scientists have found that fluctuations in carbon dioxide closely matched the worldwide temperature changes, with carbon dioxide concentrations reaching a maximum of 280 PPM during warm periods and dropping to about 180 PPM during cold periods. However, since the Industrial Revolution, concentrations have risen to 370 PPM – an unprecedented level in at least the past 400,000 years. Though we humans cannot take credit for all the increasing CO2 concentrations, we must take some of the blame due to modern agriculture, industry and transportation.

What can I do?

For starters you can subscribe monthly to The Global Greenhouse Warming Insider™ provided through American Venture Industries, Inc. independent, unbiased, third party research. This can help you impress your family, friends, and co-workers with the latest trends, facts, and news derived from our own in depth and extensive research collections.

Next, you can tune in to our product section of for true green products, products that have very little or no impact on our environment during the manufacturing process and or help to spread awareness around the world. We do the in depth research for you so you do not have to question whether or not the product you are buying is really a green product. Any product sold through will meet our expectations and should meet yours as well.

Lastly, you can become a member of and share your own experiences, insights, and ideas on our forum with others from around the world who think just like you!

The negative impact of pollution, more specifically greenhouse gases and greenhouse warming, is already being felt all around the world. We are here to counter that impact. The mission first starts with informing and giving you the proper tools needed to alert others and raise awareness. Second, you can buy from us and put a start to the end by countering the negative impact of pollution with products that have extremely little or no impact on our environment and or spread awareness. Finally, you must share your insights with others so that we can spread awareness around the world, bring more into the movement, and eventually bring back mother Earth so that future generations may share in our beliefs of preservation. We hope you will do what you know must be done. If you follow us and our strategy we know you can and will make a positive impact. Our success is directly measured by your success! We are all in this together.

Sunday, August 30, 2009



An Intimate introduction of Cow



For those of us who grew up in villages, mention of cow brings nostalgia. Our dawn was through the cowshed beside the house. Milking cows was a loving early morning ritual for the mothers. Mother would move to the shed with a shining pot, lovingly stroke the cow on its back, calling it with its favourite name. The milk that the cow spared for the household nourished the whole family, especially the children, even like it nurtured its own calf.

The cow is a moving temple, being abode of thirty three crore Gods of the Hindu pantheon. She has given sacred Panchagavya with immense medicinal value and is a moving hospital.

Cow is the mother of the universe (Gavo Vishwasya Matharaha). She helps in agriculture, transportation, food, medicine, industry, sports, religious functions, emotional stability, economy, etc. From time immemorial, cow has a special place in Indian society.


Characteristics of Cow

Overall Characteristics :

Indian Cow Breed

Indian Cow Breed

  • The Indian cow belongs to Bass Indicus variety.
  • High shoulder, flappy under-neck, and Suryaketu nerve on the back are easy differentiators of the variety.
  • It is believed that Suryaketu nerve absorbs medicinal essences from atmosphere and makes milk, urine and cow dung more nourishing.

Skin :

  • High shoulder, flappy hanging dewlaps under-neck, and long ears increase the area of skin that sweats and keeps the body cooler. This is apt for our climate.
  • Sweat glands are wider and the sweat is aromatic, protecting from monsoon-insects.
  • The cow drives away insects by swift muscle movements
  • With small hair, skin remains clean.
  • With all these uniqueness, an Indian ox can work with comfort in rain and shine.

Tail :

  • Long enough to touch ground.
  • Tail joint is unique and allows swirling around till the neck.
  • It also swats flies and insects.

Hoof :

  • Joined, does not gather twigs and dirt.
  • Indian ox has smaller and strong hoof. This is suited for ploughing and pulling cart.
  • Some of the Indian varieties can work without horse-shoes.
  • Unlike tractor, the ox does not harden the top soil and kill the helpful insects.

Chromosome :

  • Different actions and features of the body are controlled by chromosomes.
  • As a cow would always have adequate quantity of chromosome, there is no infertility for generations.

Life Activities :

  • Basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.
  • Indian cow has a lower BMR. In draught it can survive with small quantity of food. Though it becomes weaker then, it recovers fast when it gets nourishment.
  • Such temporary difficulties do not later affect its milk yield or fertility.

Immunity to Disease :

  • Cows are born with immunity to diseases. There is no difference between the ones grazing in the fields or kept in the sheds.
  • This reduces the expenditure on their medical care.
  • For this reason, America and Europe import Indian cows, cross breed with local variety to improve their immunity.

Efficiency :

  • Indian ox has strong muscles and long legs. They work for long hours in difficult conditions.
  • High shoulder holds the plough well.

Caring :

  • Cows can be housed in very ordinary shed and even under a tree.
  • Some Indian varieties require very little food.
  • In villages they generally roam around fields and forests through the day.

Milk :

Gir - Best Milking Breed

Gir - Best Milking Breed

  • Some Indian breed cows give up to 20 litres of milk per day.
  • Main varieties of Indian milch cows are Gir, Sahival, Tharparker, Rati and Sindhi.
  • We can improve other breeds by better care and nourishment.

Panchagavya :

  • Constitutes cow urine, cow dung, milk, curd and ghee.
  • Used as food, medicine, manure and insecticide.
  • They increase immunity to diseases.
  • Without side effects, they fight cancer, hypertension, skin diseases, and urinary diseases.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Psoriasis - A natural ayurvedic herbal remedy

Psoriasis - A natural ayurvedic herbal remedy

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  • dark circle remedy

Psoriasis is a prolonged inflammation of skin. The causes of psoriasis are still unclear. This condition is neither infectious (Do not spread from one person to another) nor does it affect the general health. It affects both the genders and may start at any age.

Psoriasis is quite common, affecting around two per cent of the population, although people with very mild symptoms may not be aware they have it. Psoriasis can begin at any age but usually starts either around the age of 20 or between 50 and 60.

Causes of Psoriasis

As said earlier according to modern medical science the causes of psoriasis are unknown .But the following factors can trigger psoriasis.

  • Heredity - If one parent is affected then there is 15% of chances for the child to suffer from psoriasis. If both the parents are affected then the possibility of child getting the psoriasis is 60%.

  • Throat infections trigger psoriasis.

  • Trauma or hurt on skin like cuts, bruises or burns may cause psoriasis.

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  • Some medicines or skin irritants initiate psoriasis.
  • Smoking and alcohol are other two factors which activate psoriasis.
  • Mental stress or psychological trauma may also set off psoriasis


What does ayurveda say about psoriasis?

Psoriasis is caused by vitiation of vata and kapha dosha. The vitiated doshas affect the skin and blood tissues. They also influence water element of the affected region on skin. Thus the skin which is influenced by affected doshas becomes discolored (white or copper colored), scaly and thin.

Causes of vitiation of Doshas

  • Consuming opposite foods.
  • Controlling natural urges.
  • Exposure to severe climatic conditions

Treatment for Pimple, acne, moles, dark circles:-

Balance your doshas by adopting the modified diet and life styles. Take rejuvenating herbal drinks .

Apply a face pack containing
masoora, kushta, kaaliyaka etc later

Following this procedure for seven days makes your face pimple ,acne and dark circle free.

  • Consuming food that is too salty, too sour and/or too heavy for digestion.
  • Sleeping during the afternoon.
  • Taking bath in cold water immediately after physical exertion.
  • Mental stress.


Changes that occur on skin during psoriasis

It takes 27 days for skin to replace itself with new mature skin cells. But the regions of skin affected by psoriasis the skin replace itself within 3-4 days with plenty of immature skin cells forming thick psoriatic patches.

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According to ayurveda principles the vitiated vata dries the water element of skin and also initiate rapid growth of skin tissue. The vitiated Kapha dosha causes itching on the affected skin. The blood which is affected by vata and kapha adversely influences healing process.

Self-care for psoriasis

  • Avoid all factors which trigger psoriasis.
  • Reduce stress levels through meditation and Yoga .
  • Do not prick, peel or scratch skin. This may trigger psoriasis.
  • After bath or wash pat dry the skin. Do not rub the towel vigorously on skin.
  • Avoid soap. Instead use gram flour (besan flour) as soap dries the skin.
  • After washing, pat the skin dry, don't irritate it by rubbing vigorously.
  • Apply moisturizing creams liberally on affected areas after
  • Opt for cotton clothes over synthetic ones.


Ayurvedic tips for Psoriasis

  • Avoid consuming opposite foods.
  • Do not control natural urges like vomiting, urination, bowel emptying etc.
  • Do not take cold water bath immediately after a heavy work out, traveling, a long walk etc.
  • Take care not to consume foods which cause indigestion.
  • Absolutely do not eat too much of salty, sour or acidic foods.
  • Avoid sleeping in afternoons.
  • Say no to radish, urad dal, sesame, jaggery (gur), curds, fish and other sour foods.
  • Always apply besan flour or herbal scrub instead of soap.
  • Smear herbal cream which is infused with vata and kapha balancing herbs.
  • Keep on applying moisturizing gel or cream continuously to maintain the moisture levels of skin.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

गो आधारित कृषि के लाभ


गो आधारित कृषि के लाभ

भारतीय कृषि में विविधता है । ऐसा कोई कृषि उत्पाद नहीं है जो हम नहीं उगाते । हमारी भूमि पर हर प्रकार के अन्न, दालें, सब्जियाँ, फल, कपास और रेशम पैदा होते हैं । हमारी ८०% से अधिक आबादी का पेशा खेती है । इनमें से अधिकांश का एक या दो एकड़ भूमि वाले छोटे किसान हैं ।

हमारी कृषि भूमि भू-संरचना, मिट्टी के प्रकार और गुणों, सिंचाई के तरिकों और फसलों की संख्या के मामले में विविध और जीवंत है ।

मवेशी इस विशाल कृषि चित्र-पटल के अभिन्न अंग हैं । हम बैलों का जुताई, कटी फसल की ढुलाई, सिंचाई के कामों में, गोबर का खाद के और गोमूत्र का कीट नाशक के रूप में उपयोग करते हैं ।

कृषि में गायों की अनूठी भूमिका :

गो आधारित कृषि

गो आधारित कृषि

  • छोटी-छोटी जोतों और छोटे पैमाने की खेती के कारण खेती में मवेशियों के उपयोग से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है ।
  • जुताई के समय बैलों की चाल हल्की होती है ।
  • जुताई करते समय गिरनेवाले गोबर और गोमूत्र से भूमि में स्वतः खाद डलती जाती है ।
  • पशु खाद : जैविक खाद, हरी पत्तियों की खाद, पशुओं और मिट्टी की खाद, प्रकृति के साथ मिलकर भूमि को उपजाऊ बनाते हैं । ये रासायनिक कूड़े की समस्या भी नहीं पैदा करते हैं ।
  • प्रकृति के ९९% कीट प्रणाली के लिये लाभ दायक हैं । गोमूत्र या खमीर हुए छाछ से बने कीटनाशक इन सहायक कीटों को प्रभावित नहीं करते ।
  • एक गाय का गोबर ५ एकड़ भूमि को खाद और मूत्र १०० एकड़ भूमि की फसल को कीटों से बचा सकता है ।
  • सर्वोच्च न्यायालय (सुप्रीम कोर्ट) के अनुसार एक बैल का गोबर एक परिवार का ४ वर्षों तक गुजारा चला सकता है । बैल पर्यावरण को दूषित नहीं करते ।

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Advanced Formula Guggul

Advanced Formula Guggul

Guggul, a purified extract of the small mukul tree from India, has long been assoicated with promoting circulation and heart health.

Ayurvedic Herbs Direct's Advanced Formula Guggul is standardized to contain 2.5% guggulsterone potency - resulting in a higher-quality guggul formula optimized to benefit your heart and immune system.

Packaging: 90 capsules
Suggested Use: As an herbal dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 4 times daily

Warnings: Not to be used by pregnant or lactating women or those with liver, stomach, or bowel disorders unless recommended by a health care practitioner. If allergic skin rash occurs, discontinue use and rash will subside. Keep out of reach of children.

Product Overview

Guggul, comprised of purified extract of crude guggul gum from the small mukul tree was first discovered in India centuries ago. This nutrient-rich herb has traditionally been used to support circulation and cardiovascular health. In addition, guggul is believed to encourage overall immunity and immune system response.

Ayurvedic Herbs Direct's Advanced Formula Guggul is optimized to contain 2.5% active guggulsterones: Z-Guggulsterone and E-Guggulsterone. In additional to their cardiovascular and immune-stimulating benefits, these natural chemicals may assist the body in normalizing cholesterol levels.

Product Details

Each capsule contains 750mg pure Guggul Extract. Free of: sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg or preservatives. Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule), Calcium Sulfate, Silica and Magnesium Stearate.

About the Manufacturer

Ayurvedic Herbs Direct's "Advanced Formula" line of premium-quality herbal supplements are based on proven herbal ingredients from around the world which have been formulated into potent and effective health products. These all-natural herbal formulas are distributed exclusively by Ayurvedic Herbs Direct and are produced in the United States at established manufacturers adhering to GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes). The Ayurvedic Herbs Direct Advanced Formula line offers only the highest-quality herbal ingredients at reasonable everyday prices.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Withania Somnifera

Botanical Name : Withania Somnifera

English/Common Name : Winter cherry, Ashwagandha

Ayurvedic Name : Ashwagandha

Family : Solanaceae

Part Used : Root

Traditionally all parts of the plant are used as herbal remedies but the root, which has a damp horse smell, is much more effective.

Habitat and Botany :
Ashwagandha is a small shrub that grows to 1.5 meters tall. It is found in dry areas of India and Africa.

Ashwa means horse. Gandha means fragrance. It indicates the property-the strength and sexual vitality of the horse.

Main Active Constituents: Withaferin, Withanolides, Withanine, sitoindosides, Somniferine, Alkaloids and Ethanolides. Withanolides are believed to account for the multiple medicinal application of Ashwagandha. It stimulates the activation of immune system cells such a lymphocytes. It inhibits inflammation and improves memory. Taken together, these actions support the traditional reputation of Ashwagandha as a tonic or adaptogen.

Action (pharmacology): Tonic, nervine, sedative, nerve restorative, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulator, free radical scavenger, antistress, rejuvenative, hypotensive, antispasmodic, antiarthritic. Ashwagandha is called Rasawana, which means powerful rejuvenator in Ayurvedic terminology. It increases hemoglobin (red blood count) and hair melanin.

Indications: Stress, general debility, depression & moodiness, aging, fatigue (temporary and chronic), anxiety, depressed immunity, sexual debility in males, infertility, memory loss, hormonal imbalances, weakness during pregnancy, stress induced disorders, rheumatic disorder, anxiety neurosis, wounds and ulcers, weakness due to prolonged illness, loss of body heat, lactation. Take with lots of liquid, milk, honey and ginger when under weight, bone weakness and premature aging are present. Useful for patients taking cancer chemotherapy and radio sensitization. Antitumor, anticancer, increases physical endurance, antioxidant due to antistress and immunomodulator.

Ashwagandha in the Products:
Ashwagandha in Femivita
Ashwagandha in Gluco Health
Ashwagandha in Heart Health
Ashwagandha in Joint Health
Ashwagandha in Male 40 Plus
Ashwagandha in Reslim

AYURVEDIC STUDY OF ASHWAGANDHA: According to Ayurvedic system of herbals there are seven tissues manufactured by body lymph namely blood, bone, muscle, fat, nerve and reproductive tissues. According to Ayurvedic theory thirty days series of enzymatic processes transform lymph into ojas, which is the body’s most specialized tissue. Ojas controls reproduction, immunity and general health and Ashwagandha specially builds ojas and supports these functions.

Ojas depletion can be caused by stress, which triggers stress fighting hormones and free radicals that in turn cause degeneration of the immune and other physiological systems. This stress induced reaction can open the way for illness and disease.

One of the special properties of Ashwagandha is that it will enhance ojas. Ojas is the most subtle, refined level of the physical body and is the end result of healthy food which is properly digested. It is responsible for a healthy immune system, physical strength, lustrous complexion, clarity of mind and sense of Well being. It allows consciousness to flow within the body. With decreased ojas, we are less in touch with ourselves and more prone to diseases and having a feeling of disharmony.

It prevents stress related gastrointestinal ulcers, increases physical endurance and prevents the depletion of vitamin C and Cortisol. It improves aging parameter such as graying hair, calcium level and increased libido & sexual function.

In Ayurvedic theory Ashwagandha balances both nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Therefore, it is helpful with fatigue and nervous exhaustion and increases digestive heat in chronic conditions. In arthritis, which involves joints that are painful, dry, swollen and inflamed, Ashwagandha would be the herb of choice.

Ashwagandha is effective for insomnia but does not act as a sedative. its rejuvenative and nervine properties produce energy which in turn help the body to settle and sleep. Thus it helps the body to address a stress related condition rather than masking it with sedatives. A herb that rejuvenates the nervous system, erases insomnia and eases stress.

Deep Tissue Cleaning: Because Ashwagandha is a sweet root with secondary bitter qualities, it can penetrate the body’s deep tissue openings rather than constructing them. Very bitter roots construct and clean but do not deeply access the body and rejuvenate it. After tissues are penetrated, Ashwagandha’s secondary bitter and stringent qualities stimulate a deep tissue cleansing not possible with an exclusively bitter herb.

Antistress: Ashwagandha directly opposes the reaction of stress by reducing the amount of Cortisol released by the adrenal glands of our body. Long term production of Cortisol has adverse effect on our health like: High Blood pressure, Stomach Ulcers, Immune depression and Insomnia, whilst having an anabolic, bodybuilding, restorative and Aphrodisiac effect. Ashwagandha is an anti exhaustion, rejuvenating, aphrodisiac agent. The alkaloids in Ashwagandha have been shown to be sedative and to lower the blood pressure. The withanoids are anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and protect the liver damage by Toxins.

The main function of Ashwagandha is that it delays the release of cortisol by the adrenals. This prevents the negative effects like long term cortisol production on the body and prevents the adrenals from becoming exhausted, a direct anti-stress effect which has been reported by many researchers. Ashwagandha also has a sedative effect which claims the adrenaline fueled anxiety that accompanies stressful life styles, thereby dealing with another factor that is a result, and a cause of stress indeed. Ashwagandha has often been used to treat primary anxiety states. If your sleep is disturbed, this sedative effect can be used to encourage restful sleep, again helping the body or recover from the effects of stress. Ashwagandha has also been shown to lower blood pressure and is highly effective in stopping the formation of stress induced ulcers. It has been found that Ashwagandha increases the number of immune cells known as T cells and B cells – helping to fight infections. All these actions directly oppose the effects of stress. It increases red blood cell counts, improves hemoglobin level, increases endurance and stamina and increases lean weight.

Natural Anabolic Training Aid: Another area where Ashwagandha is becoming popular is in sports and athletics. When you train hard, you walk a very fine line between overtraining and training just enough. Even in perfect circumstances, training by itself is a stress on the body. To get the maximum performance from your muscles, you require just the right amount of training coupled with appropriate rest and recovery periods. Overtraining means too much cortisol which means muscle protein is eaten up and performance suffers. Endurance athletes who train heavily, such as long-distance runner and cyclists, are very prone to infections. Excess cortisol produced in response to the heavy training load suppresses the immune system. It can also lead to muscle and tendon tears as the muscles are weakened due to protein loss under the influence of cortisol. With its muscle preserving qualities, Ashwagandha is the perfect natural anabolic training aid for the serious athlete.

Many people have compared Ashwagandha with Chinese/Korean Ginseng, but modern science studies have shown Ashwagandha to be superior to ginseng.

1: J. Ethnopharmacol 1994 Dec., 44(3):131-5

A comparative pharmacological investigation of Ashwagandha and Ginseng.

Grandhi A, Mujumdar AM, Patwardhan B

Indian Drugs Research Association, Pune.

The aqueous suspensions of roots of an Indian herb Ashwagandha and the Korean herb Gingseng were tested comparatively for 2 pharmacological activities, namely the anti-stress activity by the mice swimming endurance test and anabolic activity by noting gain in body weights and levator ani muscle in rats. A significant increase in mice swimming time was shown by Ginseng (P<0.001)>

PMID: 7898119, UI:95205896

Contraindications, Toxicity, Cautions and Safety: Safe for human and animal use. This herb has been used safely by children in India and even by pregnant women. When taken in small quantities as a tonic. During lactation it increases the flow of mother’s milk.

No side effects have been reported with Ashwagandha.

According to Ayurveda herbs are best taken in combination with other herbs or vitamins or minerals in order to neutralize the toxicity of one herb with the opposing effect of other and to enhance the particular effect of one herb with the that of the other.

Caution: According to Ayurveda, herbs are taken in combination with other herbs to neutralize the toxicity of one herb with the opposing effect of the other or to enhance the particular effect of one herb with the help of other.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."